Egg Production - Consumptions & Yields

Egg Production - Consumptions & Yields

Egg production begins between 17 and 19 weeks and lasts until 80 weeks of age (up to 20 months of age). The total amount of eggs for one hen can reach 340 eggs. The above applies to controlled temperature conditions (20 – 27 degrees Celsius). Average daily food consumption is 110-130 grams of food (OK 3). The weight of the hen at the age of 80 weeks is from 2.0 to 2.2 kg depending on the hybrid. At the age of 80 weeks, pterygium begins. It is the Physiological process of plumage replacement that takes place naturally every year, in the autumn months, under the influence of the reduction in the duration of the light period. It lasts 4-8 weeks and is accompanied by a reduction or even cessation of egg production. After the completion of pterorrhoea, egg production starts again. Egg production stops both when the temperature drops low and when the temperature exceeds 32 degrees Celsius in the shade.

With domestic chickens you can enjoy a fresh egg every day. 10 chickens can give you up to 8 eggs per day, and they reach their maximum performance when fed properly and healthily.
We choose feed from the Mills of Crete, for proper development of the animals and maximum performance.