

What is Lactometry?

It is the process in which you measure and record the performance of each individual animal resulting in the collection of valuable production data.

How is it conducted?

  •  By using volumetric flasks
  • Through an integrated system of electronic galactometry

More specifically, the collection of data through lactometry can have multiple benefits for the management of the herd and consequently for the breeder himself. Benefits such as:

  • Genetic improvement of the herd
  • Improving his health
  • Targeted nutrition
  • Correct decisions about the time & way of reproduction
  • Proper preparation during pregnancy
  • High quality milk
  • Ensuring maximum returns
  • Profitability from animals with a shorter lactation period

So why apply Lactometry?

because it is an important herd management tool
and leads to the maximum economic result of a livestock unit

What is Artificial Insemination?

  • Rapid and widespread dissemination of valuable genetic material, while limiting the risk of spreading disease.
  • By comparing and evaluating animals in different rearing conditions and different climatic conditions, the animals that have the greatest ability to adapt to climate changes, are more resistant to diseases and have increased production are identified.
  • More effective in combination with lactometry, as it is possible to apply artificial insemination to the selected most productive sheep and goats of the unit.
  • More targeted and cost-effective artificial insemination

What can we achieve?

  • Access to genetic material of high genetic value
  • Targeted genetic improvement
  • Limiting the spread of disease
  • Low cost (compared to the maintenance cost of many males)
  • High mating success
  • Synchronization - Planning pregnancies
  • Increase in milk production from 10 – 50 lt from generation to generation / lactation period
  • Animals particularly resistant to infectious diseases as well as climate changes
  • Inferring from the above, the combination of the two analyzed practices, lactometry on the one hand and artificial insemination on the other, can lead a livestock farm to the maximum economic result, profitability.


Choulakis Konstantinos, MSc AUA